Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Robot Assemblage

This is one of 13 robots that local children in the community created during their after school art program at the Meridian Library this week. I did a quick power point presentation on the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling and gave the kids a handout about the Environmental Protection Agency and local companies that recycle electronics. I also talked about how millions of computers and other electronic waste finds it way into landfills each year and the harm that this electronic waste can cause to wildlife, humans, Idaho's drinking water and the soil that we grow our food in. The kids were quite excited when they saw the many containers full of computer parts, and when it was time to create, they ran to the containers, grabbed all kinds of interesting parts and created the coolest robots. This was the first class taught in the 3-d method and it was a huge success. We also did some prep work for journals that they will be creating the first Tuesday in February. The front and back covers were created with paper bags, water and elmers glue. Next month we will put them together, stitch them and create art on the covers.

1 comment:

Greg, Nataly and the Kids said...

This looks really cool Jackie!! What a good lady you are and what a community support! Woo Hoo!