Thursday, January 27, 2011

Idaho Art Education Association Conference

Picture on the left: when I was nominated and voted in as President Elect of the Idaho Art Education Association. Pictured from left; Dr. Kathleen Keys, Bonnie (key note speaker), Jonie Cashman outgoing president, Jackie incoming president elect, and Karen Fothergill, who moved from president elect position to president. The picture on the right is of the 2010 conference. Pictured from left to right; Karen Fothergill, President, Jackie Nelson, President Elect, Nancy Walkup, Keynote Speaker, Robin Grey, Secretary, Estuardo Miranda, Treasurer, Keith
Farnsworth, Vice President. Each board member serves 2 years in any one position and they may hold a different position every two years, but they may only serve in the president position one time.

Two years ago in October I submitted an application to present at the Idaho Art Education Association Conference in Hailey, Idaho. This opprtunity came through a class I was taking with Kathleen Keys, I believe it was "Elementary School Art Methods". One of the requirements for the class was developing a lesson plan and teaching it to our classmates. I had a bunch of old computer parts that I wanted to do something with and decided that it would be cool if elementary school kids could create a picture on cardboard with the parts. I decided that robots would be a better idea. Part of the lesson plan revolved around toxic waste that went into landfills and the harm it could do to animals and humans alike. In any case, I ended up presenting and during the business breakfast the next morning I was approached and asked if I would consider taking the President Elects position on the IAEA board. I accepted, then I was nominated and voted in. Since then I have helped plan two conferences and held my President Elect position for two years, this October I take over as President. Nancy serves on the Texas Art Education Assocation board. It was a wonderful conference and despite all the education cuts and the in-service days being taken away in some districts we still had a huge turnout of teachers.

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